Our Projects

Current Projects

Strengthening and Consolidating Education Service Delivery and Local Government Processes in Bo District


PDO is also serving as co-applicant to Bo District Council the main applicant for  this EU co-funded project. This started on the 29th June, 2018 and will end on 29th June, 2021. It is implemented in 16 chiefdoms and will support 30 primary schools and 20 Junior secondary Schools. Some of the project milestones are as follows

  1. 38 Mothers’ clubs established /strengthened
  2. SMCs/BOGs in targeted schools trained
  • 140 teachers from targeted schools trained
  1. 50 targeted schools supported with Syllabuses in core subjects for the secondary schools and primary schools with primary 1,2 & 3 syllabuses and classes 4,5 & 6 scheme of work.
  2. Supported the fabrication of furniture in 44 schools, constructed three drop hole latrines in 3 schools, rehabilitated 2 latrines in 2 schools and 2 school buildings in one school.
  3. Provided admission registers and visitors ledger books for all 50 schools
  • 19 Mothers’ clubs supported
  • 300 vulnerable children from targeted communities supported with school and learning materials
  1. 20 best performing pupils at NPSE and a best performing school Headteacher and class VI teacher
  2. PDO supported with one vehicle and two motor bikes for the ‘Beteh Lan Book’ project.
  3. 4 PDO staff participated in 10 days capacity training organized by Bo District Council.
  • Participated in ‘Beteh Lan Book’ project steering committee meetings.
  • Participated in monthly Council radio discussions

The EGDP Project

The project will be implemented in Sierra Leone 

Past Projects

Leh We Join Kombra Education For Betteh Lan Book Na Bo district

The project that targeted fifteen (15) chiefdoms in Bo District and currently implemented in sixteen (16) chiefdoms and is funded by European Union (EU). The milestones for the project include but not limited to the following  

  1. Established/strengthened Mothers’ clubs
  2. Trained SMCs and BOGs from targeted schools
  • Trained teachers from targeted schools
  1. Assessment of institutional felt needs
  2. Identification of the type of support needed by Mothers’ clubs
  3. Provided support to targeted schools
  • Provided support to Mothers’ clubs
  • Identification, verification of vulnerable pupils and provision of support for them in targeted schools
  1. Award of prizes to best performing pupils at National Primary School Examination
  2. Monitoring of project activities
  3. Report writing

Education Project

Conducted the project from 2014 to 2015.

Key Results Achieved 

we achieved the foollowing reesults 

  • Education 80% 80%
  • Empowerment 50% 50%
  • Agriculture 10% 10%
  • Health 10% 10%

The Results Are Amazing

With barely five years, we have achieved alot in contributing to a better and dignified Society. We have implemented activities according to  our strategic plan and milestones are seen in Health with the Ebola outbreak, education and empowerment of women and children. We are yet to do more and we encourage you to partner with us as we implements these projects and programmes

Thematic Areas


Our focus will be those who are in school and those who never made it to schools, those who are excluded because of gender, ethnicity, religious, age, poverty and socio-economic status, and linguistic background. Everyone should have access to education

Health and Human Security

Our interventions will be one of advocacy, provision, collaboration, networking and dialogue. We intend focusing on children in school and general hygienic conditions in communities. To do this, our approach will be on WASH programme.

Livelihood Development and Food Security

Livelihoods development is key in poverty alleviation. With over half of the country’s population living below the poverty line, the identification and development of various livelihood portfolios of individuals will enhance their potential to food Secure and get sustainable income sources

Child Protection

Cultural norms in Sierra Leone place children at the receiving end of instructions and decisions. Thus their rights and their entitlements are denied. These imbalances deny children their full potential and the enjoyment of their human rights.

Women’s Empowerment

This organisation is addressing the key issues of women’s disempowerment and marginalization. Statistics show that over half (51.4 %) of the country’s population  is women, who unfortunately are marginalized. In rural areas, female headed households are poorer than their male counterparts

Interested In Working With Us?

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